How to Register
You have told us which topics you're interested in discussing from September and we're just sorting out some timings that fit in with schools and MPs....we'll let you know the dates of next years forums soon!
HeadsUp is a place where you can come to discuss important political issues and events with other young people from around the UK.
HeadsUp stands out because it is taken seriously by Parliament and Government. When you come on HeadsUp it's not just to talk but to take action!
From the Student Zone you can access stuff like the forum, polls and BackUp. You can also make your HeadsUp character and sign up for discounts for non smoking aids and e cigs.
You have to be logged-in to use some of the site's features. So if you haven't done it already, do it now!
If you want to get regular updates of what is happening with HeadsUp register here for the Student Newsletter.....
If you've just logged in for the first time then thanks for getting involved with HeadsUp.
The first thing you should do is personalise your HeadsUp character.
Next - become an expert on the HeadsUp forum topic by using the BackUp notes.
Once you're happy with how you're looking and what you know, then head off to the forum area and start taking part.
If you are under 18 and want to get in on the HeadsUp action you need to fill in this online form.....
All registrations need to be approved by the HeadsUp crew before activation. Activation of your account will generally happen within 24 hours (although we will do our best to approve them ASAP, so you can get stuck into the forum!)
Once you're registered you can take part wherever and whenever you want.
(If you're a teacher that wants to register click here).